At Home in Shadow

There was once a boy where

The monster grew.

The boy was at home and safe

He was young and always uneasy.

Dark shadows crept in

Corneres at first then a whole


He was at home and no longer


The boy looked beyond his box

Where he lived, at home, and uneasy.

The boy was not safe.

The boy saw his shadows and hid


Brightly at times the boy would

Hide in plane sight.

Deep inside the boy was uneasy.

Uncomfortable with himself.

With this “boy”.

Brightly shining in plane sight this “boy”

Was uneasy.

Brightly shining was the monster,

This “boy”

And they didn’t know how to hide

The shadows any longer.

They wrapped themselves away from

This “boy”

Swadeled in warm shadow.

This monster breathed easy for a time

Safely hidden away, at home, and safe.

Warmly wrapped at home in shadow

Hidden from this “boy”.

*Breathe Deep*

This monster peered from their cocoon

Seeing the withered husk of

This “boy”.

Breaking the walls of shadow this

”monster” steps forward.

Trembeling, this “boy” yields.

This “monster” stooping low, swallows up

This “boy” making them whole.

Not this boy, nor this monster,

But this human

Brightly shining in the sun.


At length I hear nothing.

I am thrown into a world

Astranged of my home.

Given to those who speak.

Speak with themselves

Speak with… at… me.

Desculpa, nao falo…


I am locked

For the first time

Inside my mouth.

Nao sei… no know…

No… nao… no no…

What? Que?

Por que? 

Comment ca va toi?

Nicht sprechen…


Nice to meet you too.


The Wanderer

How can the wanderer rest?

Alone on a wide endless road.

The wanderer knows all ends.

Knows there is no bed to be laid,

That would slack his quest.

He goes on for days, for nights…

For reasons with no ends.

Not to be found amongst treasure. 

Never, the sleakist would tempt.

The wanderer searches for nothing.

He knows not what he seeks.

Satisfied is, the humble wanderer.

Dear Brave Souls

Dear Brave souls,


This is to every woman, man, child, standing today against a wave of hatred and separation. You are the forefront of an age-old battle, given down through the generations; one of power and domination. Know that progression is where we find a brighter future. Know that we are stronger together. Know that we fight for each other unselfishly, rather than for personal power. Unity can defeat greed. And if we stay together, if we stay smart we will stay stronger than those who wish to separate the progress we have made from the future we are building. Do not let those who look to the cruelty of history for their inspiration shake your resolve to do what you know to be right. Stand together and keep each other safe.  With much love.


One of seven billion.

Ghost School

I sit in an empty room of my alma mater.
Listening to the soft shuffling of tired feet.
Parents late to see son or daughter.
Some working after learnings complete.

The town of education, a city in the day
And slowly life ebbs off of its street
Pert students itching to get away
Curt to grab paper and stretch feet.

I listen to the ghosts of my learning.
Invisible hands, to answer deaf questions
Ebbs of performances fabricating
Bits and snips of silent lessons.

These are the halls I’ve left behind.
Some days I miss their shelter
Visages still remain of our grind.
Sweet simplistic blissful succor.

My Cup.

Everytime I drink I wonder,
Will this be the last cup?

I ask myself, if one more is ok?

The answer is yes. Always yes.

I fill my cup with smiles.

Spread them to my friends.

Dances and games.

I find bold looks for adventure 

At the bottom of every glass.
Adventures to empty places

Abandoned homes and factories

Rusted cogs and rotten wood

Dirt covered and water logged.

A train car of needles and booze.

A tree choking old generators.
Adventures and bold looks

Brought to you by bottles.

I see a heart across the room.

It speeds it’s pace for me.

Looking deep in my eyes 

The heart makes my throat, 

So dry…
Everytime I drink I wonder

Will this be my last heart?

I ask myself, is one more ok.

Yes, always yes, to quench.

The blood rushes across my skin

Cycling faster and faster

With every blink and touch.
I grab her hand and spin

Flash my shoes and pull her close.

Smelling the heart heating,

I fill my cup with her smiles

Spread them to my friends. 
The effort so simple,

The timing made perfect.

A breath on her neck

A brush of my lip

The blood boils under her skin.
My adventure to an empty place

Pressing into an empty home.

An abandon factory where love

Used to be polished and clean.

Now covered in dirt

…and wet.

Will this be the last cup?

I find bold looks for adventure,

At the bottom of every glass.